Saturday, May 23, 2020
Transgender Students Face Discrimination On A Daily Basis
Transgender students face discrimination on a daily basis. The schools should be a safe place for students but, unfortunately, teachers, administers, and others students pass judgment, bully, and isolate them. The ignorance displayed in many parts of the United States towards the Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT community have made their daily entrance, but they still have a difficult sometimes because of their gender. There are schools that discriminate and schools that do not discriminate against transgender individuals. People need to know how to treat one another when it comes to LGBT populations’ because they have feelings just like everyone else. Schools that discriminate against transgender individuals do not care how they mistreat them. This is a huge problem in the world because students that establish different genders are forced to use restricted restrooms and alternate facilities. Parents and attorneys consider that discrimination. A high school in Chicago has 30 days to handle a situation involving a transgender student who classifies themselves as girls, and wants to shower and get ready in the girls’ locker rooms. â€Å"Thad Ballard elected to keep transgender students from using the facilities that match their identities, and he want other students to respect other people’s sexual orientations†(Bosman Rich, 2015 p. 2). A Republican lawmaker from Wisconsin put forward an act that will keep all transgender students from using any facilities.Show MoreRelatedSports, Equality, And Act On The Locker Room Essay1632 Words  | 7 Pageslives. It affects how we walk, talk, and act on a daily basis. What truly is gender though? Gender is what defines many facets of our culture, and differentiates the roles people take on as men or women. Today, most countries define gender as the genetic and biological traits we are born with. However, what if someone felt they were supposed to be the opposite gender of the one they were born into? That is precisely the feeling that transgenders have from a young age. The feeling of not belongingRead MoreThe Issue Of Public Bathrooms Essay1872 Words  | 8 Pagesbathrooms seem to arise and now one of those issues being about transgender students and which bathroom is acceptable for them to use in public schools. For those that may not know, the term transgender refers to those of who identify themselves as being the opposite gender rather than the sex that was determined at birth. A student in school who may identify as a transgender is going into the bathroom to do the same as any other student or person in the building. They go in to take care of their businessRead MoreThe Transgender Community Is Becoming More And More Accepted2252 Words  | 10 Pagesdo you use the one in which you define yourself as? Transgender people tend to face this difficult decision each time they are in a public place especially schools. The transgendered community is becoming more and more accepted in society’s eyes, but they still face discrimination from people, and society. The issues that the transgender community faces and are frequently discussed, but no efficient resolutions have been made. More transgender people are â€Å"coming out†and are living life as the genderRead MoreThe Controversy Over Public Bathrooms Essay1873 Words  | 8 PagesTransgender Controversy    Public bathrooms are meant to be something simple which means that there is ultimately one for each gender, given male or female. Dating back to the years when men and women used the same facilities to during segregation when bathrooms were separated between men, women, and colored to what it’s like today shows that it’s not the first time that bathroom facilities have divided America’s people. And as the world evolves and changes, new problems dealing with bathrooms seemRead MoreTitle Ix And The Law1480 Words  | 6 Pagesto counter it. The main purpose of this law was originally to give girls the opportunity to play the same sports as boys were able to, and thanks to the law girls are now given these opportunities to play sports in addition to also give many transgender students more rights within the schools than ever before. Even with all these steps forward in society, there are still those who believe that this law has pushed society back in stead. Just as this law had created more opportunities for women, it seemsRead MoreBullying Is Defined As Written, Verbal And Physical Conduct1374 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to GLSEN, bullying is defined as written, verbal or physical conduct that adversely affects the ability of one or more students to participate in or benefit from the school’s educational programs or activities by placing the student or students in reasonable fear of physical harm ( This includes conduct that is based on a student’s actual or perceived race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion or any other distinguishingRead MoreGender Is Essential Dependent On Norms And Behavioral Expectations2232 Words  | 9 Pagesgender†. Under the umbrella scope of gender, the tribulations of transgender amongst three major states (Salem, Ohio; Bucks County, Pennsylvania; and New Haven, Connecticut) will be discussed. Transgender is a â€Å"term used to describe individuals who exhibit gender-nonconforming identities and behaviors, or in other words, those who transcend typical gender paradigms†(Ryan Futterman, 1997). In Schrock et al. study, it showed that transgender used their body as a â€Å"resource for constructing the genderRead MoreThe Constitution Is A Mere Quixotic Theory989 Words  | 4 Pagesthat as it may, there have been several cases where freedom of speech has been breached by external conflicts. For instance, a fraternity member from the University of Oklahoma sends a racist and misogynistic blog towards a former African American student, which later was soon deleted by the President of the University Wallace D. Loh. Although this was an irrational and unethical statement, above all â€Å"hate speeches that should be suppressed and statements that  no matter how vile  are protected underRead MoreThe International Declaration Of Human Rights Essay1835 Words  | 8 Pages Our country, New Zealand, is known worldwide as a beacon of human rights, from when it became the first country to grant women suffrage in 1893, but discrimination and prejudice runs rampant through its streets even today. Before you so vehemently deny this, damning accusation that it is, you must consider the discrimination against transgender citizens in this country. We can no longer simply tolerate trans citizens in New Zealand, but support them as you would your cisgender, or those who identifyRead MoreTransgender Kids and Their Right to Choose to Go to Any Bathroom They Please1810 Words  | 7 Pagescenters around the heated debate over whether Transgender kids should be able to choose what restroom they would like to use based solely on their gender identity. Breaking new ground and blazing new trails to create equality for all is the state of California. Democratic Governor, Jerry Brown, signed Assembly Bill No. 1266 (known as AB1266), which was an act to amend Section 22 1.5 of the Education Code, relating to pupil rights. The new law gives all students the right â€Å"to participate in sex-segregated
Monday, May 18, 2020
Human Trafficking in Russia Essay - 1853 Words
11:04 p.m. A girl somewhere in Russia wakes up from the sound of heavy footsteps creaking up the wooden steps. Confused, she begins crying, trying to escape the chains, but as soon as she attempts, the face of a stranger comes near her. 11:07 p.m. A girl somewhere in Russia becomes a victim of human trafficking. Human trafficking has existed across the globe for thousands of years. From the Ancient Greek and Romans to the medieval times, until today, humans have existed as victims of the cruel act of human trafficking. Among the worst countries that obtain human trafficking, Russia tops the chart. Russia’s geography, government, enactments, institution, and markets join together to make clear as to why Russia has victims of human†¦show more content†¦It comes off as difficult to comprehend that in this day slavery still exists, that people still get bought, sold and transported all over the world. Human trafficking exploits innocent people across the world for the pur pose of sexual exploitation and forced labor. Human Trafficking exists more commonly now than ever before. Human trafficking takes place in almost every country in the world. The author states this in the article, What is Human Trafficking, almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims (2014). Worldwide, every country experiences some sort of human trafficking in their community. Referring to Wendel Renner’s article, Human Trafficking happens because prostitution is illegal, states why he believes human trafficking occurs. Because prostitution cannot occur due to the law, human trafficking occurs. Because so many people don’t like prostitution, a law placement stated prostitution illegal. Human Trafficking, just as bad as prostitution if not worse, exists legal in most countries (2011). According to this article and the law in most countries, prostitution illegally takes place where huma n trafficking legally takes place, prostitution occurs less and the consequences of victims are the same but human trafficking still can occur without consequences where prostitution cannot. Russia has become aShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking in Russia Essay1121 Words  | 5 Pages According to the Department of State, Russia has consistently failed to meet the minimum requirements to combat and eliminate trafficking and due to its continued failure to meet such standards after nearly a decade, it was automatically demoted to a Tier 3 status (TIPR, 2013, p. 310). â€Å"Russia is also a major transit, destination, and origin country for cross border human trafficking†(Tiurukanova, 2006, p. 36). Current Russian legislation, often refers to the voluntary nature of the original connectionRead MoreHuman Trafficking In Russia: Prostitution661 Words  | 3 PagesHuman Trafficking In Russia: Prostitution Human trafficking is one of the major problems that is facing Russia. And Russia is considered the largest country in the whole world. It is massively known for the origin and final destination of trafficked men, women, and children who are forced to labor. Trafficking is carried out mainly for the purpose of exploitation, which includes prostitution, forced labor, slavery, removal of organs and many others (human trafficking in and out of Russia). This isRead MoreHuman Trafficking and Prostitution in Russia2058 Words  | 9 PagesHuman Traficking In Russia: Prostitution human trafficking in Russia.-prostitution. Russia is considered the largest country in the whole world. It is massively known for the origin and final destination of trafficked men, women, and children who are forced to labour. Human trafficking is one of the major problems that is facing Russia. Trafficking is carried out mainly for the purpose of exploitation, which includes prostitution, forced labour, slavery, removal of organs and many others (humanRead MoreSexual Human Trafficking and Forced Labor in Russia848 Words  | 3 PagesHuman Trafficking is the trade of humans for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is forced labor and sexual exploitation. Sexual Human Trafficking is a form of abuse entailing the sexual abuse of a person whereby a person is forced to conduct sexual acts for financial advantage. Unfortunately, it is a continuing issue today in many locations, especially Russia. Between thirty and sixty thousand woman are trafficked under false pretenses each year. Human trafficking in Russia is v ery muchRead MoreEssay about Sex Trafficking: How Can We Make It Stop?1158 Words  | 5 PagesSex Trafficking: How Can We Make It Stop? Introduction Sex trafficking is a problem that is happening and occurring all over the world. Many families and individuals suffer due to sex trafficking. Many people are not even aware of what it really is. Sex trafficking is when young girls, as young as five or six, get kidnapped and are used for the sexual pleasure of others with a profit, or are sold as sex slaves to other people. The official definition is, â€Å"Human sex trafficking is a form of slaveryRead MoreRussi A Tier 3 Source, Transit, And Destination Country1067 Words  | 5 Pages Russia is a Tier 3 source, transit, and destination country. The dominant form of trafficking is forced labor but sexual exploitation and begging is also pronounced. Men, women, and children are among the exploited both inside and outside of the country. Russia’s Tier 3 status is due to its refusal to meet the minimum standards to prevent, investigate, prosecute, or convict those involved with trafficking including government officials. It al so provides no funding for counseling or rehabilitativeRead MoreSex Trafficking : A Unique Sector Of Slavery1201 Words  | 5 PagesSex trafficking is a unique sector of slavery that primarily affects women and children. This is sexual exploitation for profit where victims face inhumane and volatile conditions. The practice comes in varying forms including brothels, strip clubs, and online services. This horrible occurrence happens secretly in practically any corner across the globe. Although it causes immense physical harm to its victims, the physiological and emotional damage remains severe and prominent. Victims from AsiaRead MoreOrgan Trafficking Position Paper (Russia)1565 Words  | 7 PagesFederation Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee Represented by: Andy Woo Shekou International School, Shenzhen China Country: Russian Federation Background Information: Russia is a country in Northern Eurasia, bordered by the Arctic Ocean, and numerous countries such as China, Mongolia, and Georgia. The total area of Russia is 17,098,242 square kilometers (, making it the largest country in the world. The terrain of the country is â€Å"broad plain with low hills west of Urals; vast coniferousRead MorePeople being Taken against Their will in Human Trafficking1075 Words  | 4 PagesHuman Trafficking – Politics The act of smuggling humans is an act that’s against the law, but it’s still being performed today. Although the government has been trying to stop human trafficking, it still an act that is going to most likely take years to nullify, since some victims fall for false hopes given to them by contractors, and some are sequestrated against their will. According to the U.S. State Department and the United Nations International Labor Organization – anRead MoreThe Globalization Of Human Trafficking990 Words  | 4 Pageswill define the globalization of human trafficking through the context of the United States as a first world nation and extension of this problematic issue in European nations, such as Russia and in the Baltic region. The first world status of the United States provides a context in which human trafficking has become a major problem when defining domestic markets for criminal organizations. However, the U.S. provides an example of the impact of human trafficking that occurs on a much wider scale
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Ethnicity Of The Student Body Is 98 % Hispanic
The ethnicity of the student body is 98% Hispanic, consequently each of the learners teaches students who have limited English proficiency, the majority of whom are Spanish speakers. Many of the learners are bilingual and are able to translate for their students. Learners who do not speak Spanish are encouraged to utilize digital translators such as Google Translate. Whilst this tool does not provide perfect translations, it is very useful in helping language learners understand content. Learners could be encouraged to use translation tools to translate messages or artifacts that are included in their e-portfolio. Use of e-books could also be incorporated into the unit of instruction as a supplemental resource. Giving English language learners the opportunity to read a text in their native language, side by side with an English version, is a useful tool in a teacher toolkit. It is worth noting at this point, although use of digital resources such as online databases and online encyclopedias is promoted at high-school level. All teachers and their students have access to a variety of these resources with a school password, however teachers should be careful never to include these passwords in their e-portfolio. Technology-Driven Assessments Office Mix will be utilized in various components of the instructional unit to evaluate student learning. All of the teachers and students at the school have an Office 365 account, since users are able to sign into Mix with this account,Show MoreRelatedGateway Charter Academy Middle / High School1064 Words  | 5 Pageson 1015 E. Wheatland Rd Dallas, TX 75241, in the Gateway Charter Academy school district. As of the 2015-2016 school years, it had 343 students. The school received an accountability rating of â€Å"improvement required.†98% (336) of the student body is African American, 1.2% is Hispanics, and 0.6% is white/Caucasians, and Asians make up the last 0.3% of the student body. Texas Association of School Board states that the local school board shall rely on the school district professional staff to selectRead MoreStudent Body At The University Of South Florida1327 Words  | 6 Pagesconsisted of examining our target market, the student body at the University of South Florida. With our combined efforts, we have conducted the proper research and comprised the following report to explain our findings. Statistics of USF Students According to the 2014-2015 USF System Fact Book, there are 30,324 undergraduate and 9,135 graduate students on the Tampa, FL campus. Within those statistics, the following details consist within the student population: †¢ Male 13,752 (45% ) †¢ Female 16,566Read MoreShould K 12 Student Surveys Essay1409 Words  | 6 Pages Should K-12 student surveys of their teachers be used to determine whether they get a boost in salary or be judged effective or ineffective? Based on surveys given to students about their teachers over the past decade, student judgments about their teachers are highly correlated with test scores. These questions measure classroom control and the degree to which teachers challenge students to work harder with academic content and skills. The New Teacher Project, a national nonprofit based in BrooklynRead More Poverty, Racism, and Literacy Essay2294 Words  | 10 PagesBlack and Hispanic Americans three times more likely to be impoverished than White Americans (Proctor and Dalaker 2002). The cycle of poverty and low-literacy functioning is well documented, as is the achievement gap between White students and students of color. Race is a persistent factor in employment statistics, educational attainment, and the acquisition of literacy skills, with significantly higher unemployment r ates and lower educational attainment rates among Black and Hispanic Americans thanRead MoreA Book Report of: Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America’s Classrooms2975 Words  | 12 Pagesmulticultural books that are available to read and study. I intend on exploring, researching and writing scholarly papers that evaluate responses to interventions that can be deployed to help bridge the achievement gap amongst my multicultural and diverse student population. The list that accompanies this book will be a great place to find original research that can supplement, augment and improve my research endeavors. The series list contains over 36 titles by several of the authors that Howard refers toRead MoreTeacher Qualification and Student Academic Achievement9860 Words  | 40 PagesTeacher Qualifications and Student Academic Achievement M. Wong Senior Thesis in Economics ABSTRACT This study examines whether teacher qualifications are related to student academic achievement, specifically, we examine the relationship between fifth grade student achievement in mathematics and reading and various indicators of teacher qualifications such as teacher certification, teaching experience and teacher’s education level. This research design takes advantage of the National ChildhoodRead MoreEssay on Needs of Diverse Learners Final4267 Words  | 18 PagesThe process of acquiring the characteristics of a given culture and becoming competent in its language and ways of behaving and knowing is Enculturation 13. The unwritten and informal rules that guide the expected behaviors and attitudes of students in schools is Hidden curriculum 14. Religious diversity impacts all of the following classroom aspects EXCEPT Scheduling of standardized tests 15. A philosophy that expects citizens to provide for those persons in society who are notRead MoreNationwide Children s Mechanisms Of Human Health And Disease2766 Words  | 12 Pagesvessel with too small a diameter). When this happens in the brain, nutrients can’t get to brain cells, and the cells die. Sometimes, if patients aren’t helped right away, they get damage in their brain and can even not be able to move half of their bodies. One way doctors treat people who have clots like this is to put a tube through the patient’s blood and pull out the clot. Another is sending in a chemical to break it up like a huge crowd of people breaking down a wall. Now, if the same idea wereRead MoreThe Impact Of Shifts On Academic Patterns, Technological Progress, And Student Lifestyle Changes4229 Words  | 17 PagesThe importance of shifts in academic patterns; technological progress, and student lifestyle changes; schools are compelled to consider new platforms for students to achieve their scholastic goals. As cyber learning evolves, learning and engaging outside of the classroom is one of many changes we see in education today. While technology continues to expand, it becomes evident that the development and widespread usage of technologies allow educators to reconfigure the realm of possibilities forRead MoreManagement and Organizational Behavior7241 Words  | 29 Pagesworking conditions, principles of administration, and principles of industrial engineering. Ans: True Difficulty: Medium Response: See page 4 Reference: Introducing Organizational Behavior 4. Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to psychology, sociology, criminal justice, and anthropology. Ans: False Difficulty: Medium Response: See page 5 Reference: Introducing Organizational Behavior 5. Organizational behavior seldom uses scientific
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Banning Books A Severe Prescription Mix Up - 1208 Words
Chris Wong Ms. Sommer Advanced English 9 08 September 2014 Banning Books: A Severe Prescription Mix-Up A thought that could make many Americans sick is the thought of losing the basic human rights outlined in the Bill of Rights. Others, however claim to feel queasy with the thought of Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and its contents. One parent, Jennifer Andersen, who objects to the book says, â€Å"I began reading, and I started to cross out sections that I didn’t want him to read.†Her self-diagnosis is fueled by sheer ignorance of the right to freedom of expression. The censorship she imposes on her son is a poisonous prescription that ignores democracy. The belief that banning the book The Absolutely True†¦show more content†¦Also, banning the book will just draw more attention to it, demonstrated by the Streisand Effect. This effect was coined when Barbara Streisand attempted to remove pictures taken of her house from an online collection of pictures of the Malibu coastline. But when news of her attempting to censor the picture leaked to the press, the total number of downloads for the picture jumped from six (of which two were her lawyer’s) to 420,000. The same could be applied to The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, in which banning the book gains it more publicity. In fact, the effects of the bans can be felt right at Kennedy through this assignment. Schools are reading the book and having students debate the issue on if it should be banned or not. Now the book serves two functions in education, with one about a story of the hardships of poverty; societal norms; and racism, and defending a point with evidence. Thus, through the ignorant parents’ actions in some school districts, the book has become more widespread and more students are reading the book they desired others not to read. This desire is driven by the parents’ overprotectiveness and cluelessness of the knowledge of sensitive topics possessed by today†™s children. It is impossible to hide youth from the topics discussed in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Objectionable content includes vulgar language, racism, and masturbation. I can speak
Ole Kirk Kristiansen Free Essays
The founder of Lego, Ole Kirk Kristiansen, was born on April 7, 1891. Ole Kirk Kristiansen first worked on a farm and later got an apprenticeship with a carpenter that he completed in 1911. He lived in Denmark and served in the military at the Citadel of Copenhagen. We will write a custom essay sample on Ole Kirk Kristiansen or any similar topic only for you Order Now At the age of 24 Ole Kirk bough the Billund Joinery Factory they manufactured doors, windows, kitchen cabinets, cupboards, coffins, chests of drawers, tools for digging peat, and bodywork for carts. He was a christian man who went about his life thankful for the things god had granted him and tried to achieve excellence within everything. When a global crisis hit Ole Kirk business was hit to. Many Danish farmers lost money and business because of US and Uk restrictions on imports. This created a problem for Ole Kirk because farmers and smallholders were his number one customers. Because no one was buying Ole Kirk had no jobs to do and was forced to make toys for Jens W. Oleson, which started his famous toy making. Ole Kirk became part of the National Association for Danish Enterprise. They promoted his manufacturing efforts during the crisis and put him in a magazine to give advice and promote his goods. Then 2 years after Ole Kirk started making toys(1932) he showed off legos in a trade fair.Lego initial started as a company name that made wooden toys. The Association for Danish Enterprise supported Ole Kirk and gave him a free spot in the trade fair. The beginning of the Lego Group was marked by Ole Kirk’s manufacture of toys such as cars, planes, and yo-yos. Ole Kirk needed money to secure his business’s future, so he asked his family for a 3,000 DKK loan. When Ole Kirk decided to completely make the switch to toys he held a contest to find a new name for the company the prize being a bottle of homemade wine. The winner of the contest was Ole Kirk himself with the name â€Å"Lego.†He got the name by combining the danish words â€Å"Leg Godt†which meant â€Å"play well.†Within a few years Ole Kirk laid the foundation of one of the world’s leading toy manufacturers. Ole Kirk always promised quality with his work and wanted children to play with his toys for many years. He always Produced his wooden toys to his standard and made his kids do the same. Ole Kirk went as far as to make the company’s motto â€Å"Only the best is good enough,†which still applies to the company today. As Ole Kirk’s company grew he stuck to his roots and never got lazy with his work. With company growth also came innovations of tools and machines for Ole Kirk to use. When Ole Kirk bought his first milling machine it was a huge investment, especially because it was worth one third of company profits. Although Ole Kirk saw the massive investment as worth it for the quality and quickness it would help achieve. The mill made it possible for him to hire 15 people but, their jobs were in jeopardy when a fire burned down the factory. Ole Kirk was given a loan to rebuild which made any thought of not rebuilding go away. By the end of that year production was sailing and he was able to hire 40 people. The next big thing that happened to the company was the age of plastic. Ole Kirk invested in a plastic injection molding machine. The first plastic product that The Lego Group makes is a a plastic fish baby rattle. Although Ole Kirk’s family didn’t like the idea of plastic and even tried to switch him back to wood, he persisted though and started making the Legos we know today. They first started out as â€Å"Automatic Binding Blocks†until in 1951 when the name was officially changed to Lego Bricks. The change was because Godtfred Kirk wanted the Lego name to be better recognized throughout the world. Eventually Lego was sculpted into every brick made. It turned out that Ole Kirk was right and the plastic toys lead to expansion across Norway, Sweden, Germany, and other parts of Europe. The company was booming with success and continued to grow and grow. The Lego Brick is continually innovated until January 28, 1958 when the almost perfect brick was designed and patented. The Lego Group and Godtfred Kirk wanted a more dynamic toy and added new pieces like the wheel. This creates more demand for the product and furthers the growth of the company. In 1964 the first building instructions appeared and now specific things could be built. After instructions the main focus was packaging. The packaging told what could be built and drew you in to buying the product. In 1962 Dagny Holm, Godtfred Kirk’s cousin joins the company and revolutionized building forever. This brought many visitors to the factory and it became overcrowded. The solution was to build the first ever Legoland. This place displayed many intricate lego models for many people to come and see. Wanting to expand the companies range of products further lead to the development of the lego figure. High demand and increasing sells lead to more time and effort being put into the figures and eventually they became what is known as Lego Minifigures. They were genderless and had no specific ethnicity. This was so that all the deciding could be in the child’s imagination and creativity. Since their release over four billion Lego Minifigures have been produced. The Lego vision became one of idea, exuberance, and values. Lego want people to use their own imagination to realize anything was possible and keep their values in mind. Lego never lost its passion for its toys or their quality. The business was able to grow because they never forgot where they came from and how they got where they were. By 2005 they wanted to be the leading toy brand for families with children, this was part of the strategic platform to let employees know where the company was headed. Lego became not only a brand but something that had meaning and value attached to it through not only children but the company too. As time continued more innovations came and soon Lego was in the digital game. A man by the name Dandi brought videos of 3-D Legos which prompted investigation of the possibilities of Legos in a computer based system. Eventually this created ideas such as Lego Mindstorms and Lego computer games. The first game, Lego Island, launched in 1977 was the first addition of Legos on a computer the public had seen. Also the following year the Intelligent Lego Brick was created to be built as a model and can be programmed. The Lego group went from a furniture manufacturer to a wooden toy manufacturer to a plastic brick called the Lego manufacturer. As the company innovates its products it never lost sight of its goals and values and was able to build off of a small wood company. Today Lego creates anything from Lego sets to movies and continues to deliver with quality. Many kids today love Legos and the rest of their products as they are still one of the top toys in the world. Lego is an inspiration for many businesses because of their story and how they became one of the biggest businesses worldwide. Legos success is marked by the fact that Ole Kirk’s dreams for his company were achieved and exceeded even his plans for an amazing manufacturing business. How to cite Ole Kirk Kristiansen, Papers
External Influences Of Mavic Air 2 Samples †
Question: Discuss about the External Influences Of Mavic Air 2. Answer: External influences As seen Mavic air 2 has been introduced in the market by DJI recently and is still in the growth stage. The acceptance of the product is highly influenced by external influences such as culture, subculture, demographics and group influences. The impact of the external influences determines the acceptance and rejection of the Marvic air 2 in the market. Culture and subculture Culture and subculture refer to the values, traditions and basic attitudes of the entire society in which the individuals exist. As commented by Zhao et al. (2014), the culture highlights the habits and attitudes individuals develop due to their surrounding environment and upbringing. According to the current scenario, the next generation is more attracted by brands. Branded products tend to fascinate the individuals more regardless of the features and properties. This is because the individuals in the next generation believe in showing their possession. Owning branded products provides an opportunity for the individuals to display their standard in the society. Thus, more than purchasing product, people aim towards purchasing brands. Thus, the values upheld by the society are consistent with the consumption of the product. The US is highly influenced by western culture henceforth; the customers prefer to buy the products of DJI due to its established brand name. As mentioned above, the purchase of drones in the US has increased over the years. This suggests the impact possessing materials that are branded rather than possessing private brands (Cohen, Prayag and Moital 2014). This allows the people in the US to purchase electronic equipment such as drones in order to increase their materialistic gains and highlight ownership status. This highlights the impact of culture in the US that signifies acquiring material wealth, as this allows them to update them with the latest technological trends. Thus, the product does appeal to a specific adopter category. Demographics The age, gender and socioeconomic factors influence the purchasing decision of Marvic air 2 in the US market. Age (18-40 years) Individuals within this age group are highly attracted by the features and the brand of the product. They are easy with receiving new products in the market Gender Both male and female customers prefer buying drones in the US. However, the purchasing of drones among male is more preferred compared to the females Occupation and income Occupation: Individuals engaged in professional photography are more inclined towards purchasing drones. Additionally, some individuals also purchase drones just to display their status. Income: As it is a branded product, individuals with monthly income within $40-000-$60,000 are the potential customers. As mentioned in the above table, age, gender and socioeconomic factors influence the purchasing decision of Marvic air 2 in the US market. Individuals belonging to age group 18-40 age are the potential customers of Marvic air 2. This is because the craze of possessing branded products is highly seen among the youth and the elderly people (Oliver 2014). Owning branded products provides an opportunity for the individuals belonging to the age group to show their status and high living standard. In addition to, both male and female customers purchase drones. However, the rate of male buyers is more compared to females in the US because of their profession and inclination towards gadgets. As Marvic air 2 is a branded product, individuals with a monthly salary of $40-000-$60,000 are potential buyers. This is because their monthly income facilitates them to buy branded products (Muruganantham and Bhakat 2013). Group influence The individuals or humans are inherently social animals that are highly influenced by surrounding activities and decisions (Jain et al. 2013). This is because the individuals use a relevant reference group as a standard reference and compare themselves against them. Thus, it can be said that there is a reference group influence on purchasing Marvic air 2. The reference group element for this product category is the eminent photographers, celebrities as well as the current or the near-equals. (Rani 2014). References Cohen, S.A., Prayag, G. and Moital, M., 2014. Consumer behaviour in tourism: Concepts, influences and opportunities.Current Issues in Tourism,17(10), pp.872-909. Jain, R.K., Gulbinas, R., Taylor, J.E. and Culligan, P.J., 2013. Can social influence drive energy savings? Detecting the impact of social influence on the energy consumption behavior of networked users exposed to normative eco-feedback.Energy and Buildings,66, pp.119-127. Muruganantham, G. and Bhakat, R.S., 2013. A review of impulse buying behavior.International Journal of Marketing Studies,5(3), p.149. Oliver, R.L., 2014.Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge. Rani, P., 2014. Factors influencing consumer behaviour.International journal of current research and academic review,2(9), pp.52-61. Zhao, H.H., Gao, Q., Wu, Y.P., Wang, Y. and Zhu, X.D., 2014. What affects green consumer behavior in China? A case study from Qingdao.Journal of Cleaner Production,63, pp.143-151.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Judicial Activism in Pakistan free essay sample
On one hand judicial crises rekindled the popular aspirations towards rule of law, independent judiciary and undiluted democracy ensuring civilian supremacy. On the other hand the suspension of judiciary after November 3rd has led to the disillusionment of public from the cherished ideals that may help the country get rid of the decades of authoritarian traditions, autocratic rule and political decay. Given the chequered political scenario of Pakistan fraught with uncerertanities, the resoulotion of this crises may/would determine the future political dynamics of Pakistan. UNCEREMONIOUS REMOVAL OF CHIEF JUSTICE AND THE PUBLIC REACTION: 1. Government apprehensions concerning judicial activism: The judiciary under suspended Chief Justice had taken Judicial Activism to new height and tthis Judicial Activism was directed towards ensuring rule of law, expeditious provision of justice and checking state authoritarianism but this Judicial Activism ran counter with the presidents mode of governance which allowed more space to the intelligence agencies . We will write a custom essay sample on Judicial Activism in Pakistan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And the judiciary mood and posturing over these issues alarmed the government and arose its apprehensions about much important cases which were to be decided by judiciary that would determine the future issues. In anticipation of prospective judicial verdict against military removed the chief Justice which triggered the judicial crises. 2 . UNPRECEDENTED DEFIANCE OF CHIEF JUSTICE: Judiciary was notorious for a legitimizing role. The history of judiciary was full of its pliant role which had tarnished the image of judiciary. The defiance of chief of judiciary evoked unprecedented popular support. 3. ROLE OF MEDIA: Another factor which further encouraged the judiciary attracted deflected popular attention towards this crises was the coverage of print and electronic media which paved the public opinion in favor of Chief Justice. 4. GOVERNMENTS MISHANDLING OF THIS WHOLE AFFAIR: The most important cause behind the judicial crises was government s mishandling of this issue. It dated back on filing of reference against on flimsy grounds. The irresponsible statement given by state ministers and government functionaries to governments fatal blunder in judging judiciarys response. This led to the deterioration of government . The situation was made even worse by the disharmony among the stances of state ministers. SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS BETWEEN MARCH 9 AND JULY 20: 1. Chief Justice Defiance: The manner in which he was pressurized and kept in General Headquaters for 9 hours and didnt sighned the letter of resignation gained support of lawyer, , civil society and judges. 2. Support of lawyers and judges : Judges resigned in protest their commitment to judiciary stance. 3. Involvement of civil society activists:Civil society found a new role and provided a historic role to check highhandedness of state further awakened by media. 4. Popular Campaighn: Enthusiastic support of public further emboldened civil society to stick to his defiant stance and public opinion in favor of Chief Justice has great impact on judicial decison in favour of civil society. FACTORS INFLUENCING SUPREME COURTS VERDICT IN FAVOUR OF JUDICIARY: Public opinion has the force to change laws and decision. Another important factor in influencing the decision of judciary was the image factor . Unprecedented response to the Chief Justice pressurized the supreme judicial court to give a verdict to save its image. Judiciary found it more appropriate to sign with Chief Justices stance. ENSURING CONFRONTATION BETWEEN JUDICIARY AND GOVERNMENT: Another unfortunate turn was ensuring confrontation betwen judiciary and government. e. g governement failed
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