Sunday, January 26, 2020
Change Management: Ongc Ltd
Change Management: Ongc Ltd Change is a very necessary aspect of human life. One of the few things which have a real permanence in this world is change. Different types of changes occur, such as seasonal changes, changes in nature and behavior of human beings, changes in their biological and physical systems, organizational changes etc. Here, the main concern of the study is what organizational change is and how it should be managed? What are reasons or causes of change and what is the reaction towards it? The meaning of word change is, when there is an alteration in the system whether physical, biological or social. Hence organizational change refers to, the alteration of work environment or work conditions in the organization. It may include different components of the organization such as change in technology, organization structure and design, people working in the organization etc (Prasad L.M., 2007). What is Change Management? Change management is known as the process of developing a planned approach to adapt to the changes in the organization. It is the transition of an organization or individuals, teams or groups in an organization to reach from a current state to a future state for development and improved performance (Tromley C., Mainiero L.A., 2004). The main aim of this organizational process is to make the employees understand the importance of change according to the rapidly changing business environment and accept it with open minds. This will reduce the risk of failure in implementing the changes in the organization. Though this is practically not possible because every time when there is a change people always have resistance towards it. It is the human tendency that nobody wants to accept change which consequently makes it important to understand the reasons behind it and manage it by reducing resistance towards it. Change is often resisted by the employees because it disturbs their set routine s and set new avenues to learn which most of the employees do not want (McCrimonn M., 2008). Change may be planned or unplanned. If the change is sudden because of some external forces such as technological changes or change in the political or legal environment then the organization members has to adopt it forcefully but if the change is done by planning well in advance irrespective of the pressure of external or internal forces then it is called as planned change, which is important to improve the ability of employees to adapt changes in the environment as well as their behavior (Planned Change, 2009, Change Management in Public Sector organizations The current business environment is changing at a very fast pace and all organizations whether private or public are experiencing the impacts of change. It is important for these organizations to understand the role of change management and how to practically implement it (How to Manage Change, 2009,). Public sector organizations are often perceived to be resistant towards change because of the reason to seek the ability to do things rather than doing those things in a different or changed manner. The changes in the socio-economic, political, legal and technological environment has a major impact on the public sector organizations as it the implementation of these changes is a time consuming process. These reform initiatives have made the development of new approaches in the public sector resulting in the introduction of Business Process Re-engineering, new business models, team building and leadership programmes, improved project management etc. This all involves changes in the mind set of the employees which implies the importance of change management in the public sector organizations (UNDP Capacity Development Resource, 2006). Apart from these changes in the external environment the changes in the public sector organizations is mainly due the pressure of the government and global trends. Though the forces or elements of change are almost same in the public and private sector organizations the implementation is far more difficult in public sector. This is due to the different orientation in the values and objectives of both the sectors. The effectiveness of change is dependent on the outcomes which are expected from the change programme (Osborne P.S., Brown K., 2005). 2.3 Importance of Change Management Change management plays an important role in the organization as bringing change means making alteration in the systematic and planned routine. The task of bringing about change in the organization is not that easy as it involves changing the mindset of individuals and their attitudes towards a particular objective. Changes can be brought about in the organization externally or internally. The process of bringing about change allows the organization to give a proactive or reactive or reactive response in a particular situation (Role of Change Management in an Organization,, 2009). The process of change involves the following steps: Identify the need or requirement of change in the organization Designing the specific requirements to fulfill the needs Making the employees understand that why change is required and what is its importance Making changes in the organizational processes to incorporate the changes By following these steps in an organization it can be ensured that the change management strategies will be effective in long run and help in improved organizational performance (Mateco, 2008) 2.4 About ONGC Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) was set up as a Commission on August 14, 1956. The company was given its corporate identity on June 23, 1993, which has now grown into a full-fledged horizontally integrated petroleum company. Today, ONGC is a flagship public sector enterprise and Indias highest profit making corporate, achieving the record of being the first Indian corporate to register a five digit profit figure of Rs. 10,529 Crore in the year 2002-03. ONGC has produced more than 600 million metric tonnes of crude oil and supplied more than 200 billion cubic metres of gas since its inception, thus fuelling the increasing energy requirements of the Indian economy. Today, ONGC is the most valuable company in India, contributing 77 percent of Indias crude oil production and 81 per cent of Indias natural gas production. To sustain this growth, ONGC has drawn up ambitious strategic objectives, which include doubling the oil and gas reserves. Having accreted six billion tonnes oil and oil equivalent reserves in its first 45 years of operation, ONGC now aims to double these reserves by 2020. The second strategic objective is to augment the global recovery factor from the existing 28 per cent to the global norm of 40 per cent in next 20 years. Out of the six billion tonnes of oil and gas reserve accretion, four billion tonnes is expected to come from Offshore and Deep Waters. To improve the recovery factor from the existing fields, ONGC is investing Rs. 2,000 crore in 15 re-development schemes. 2.5 Corporate Ranking Ranked 326th in Financial Times Global 500 List by market cap; first among Indian Corporates Ranked 133rd in Forbes 400 Top Global Corporates by market cap; first among Indian Corporates Ranked 1st in Economic Times 500 Corporate List by net profit and market cap Ranked 1st in Business Today 500 List by net profit Ranked 1st in Business Today-Stern Stewart Study of 500 Indian Corporates for highest-ever Market Value Added (MVA). ONGC is the only PSU which has both MVA and EVA positive. 3. Aims and objectives of the Study The aim of this study is to understand the concept of organizational change, forces of change in the organization and how manage that change and overcoming resistance of the employees in context to the ONGC Ltd. which is a PSU. Change management plays an important role in the Indian organizations because if there would be no change then the growth trajectory of any organization will become constant and progress of the employees would be restricted what they had learnt in the past. So, this study will help to understand the importance of change management in the public sector organizations and the effective approaches to manage those changes. 3.1 Aim To understand the change management approaches being implemented in ONGC and help in overcoming the resistance towrads change. Objectives The objectives of this study are: To understand the forces of change in public sector organizations. To analyze the various factors causing changes. To study the reasons of resistance towards change. To suggest measures for overcoming resistance towards change. To study the importance of change management To suggest prevalent approaches of change management 4. Review of Literature What Is Organizational Change Management? The concept of organizational change refers to the organization as a whole rather than making smaller changes such as adding a new employee, modifying a programme or a schedule. The examples of organizational change may include change in mission, restricting or reforming of operations or management, some major technological changes, changes in government rule and policies etc (McNamara C, 2005). According to Newstrom and Davis change in any part or function of the organization brings about a dynamic change in the whole organization. It tends to disturb the old equilibrium necessitating the setting up of a new one. The type of new equilibrium depends on the degree of change and its impact on the organization. It is a continuous process which requires subsequent changes in whole organization (Prasad L.M., 2007). The changes could be due to some external or internal factors because of the dynamic business environment. The forces of change are: Nature of the workforce Technology Economic and Social Environment Political and Legal environment Globalization Competition Successful change must be brought about by top management and to manage these activities a change agent plays an important role. A change agent could be a manager or a non manager and his responsibility is to translate the change into a plan and carry out the plan. If the change is carried out in a team or a group the resistance would be low and chances of acceptance would be high (Robbins S. P., Judge T., 2008). 4.2 Resistance to Change Whenever change is initiated, both the managers as well as employees react to it. Though human reaction to change depends on the outcome of change, but the attitude of people play an important role in determining it. There are possibilities of either accepting the change, being indifferent towards it or a strong resistance to change. People normally resist to change because they perceive that change as a threat or feel difficult to cope with it (Kotelnikov V., 2001). Sometimes resistance to change is good because if there would be no resistance and employees will accept the change then the changes of progress in an organization would reduce. At the initial phase of change, employees may react differently. Sometimes the resistance is instant and spontaneous. It easy for the management to deal with this type of resistance. Implicit or slow resistance is difficult to manage because it may have different after effects. The employees may leave the organization, become less committed towar ds the work, lack of motivation may occur which sometimes becomes difficult to recognize (Robbins S. P., Judge T., 2008). Overcoming the resistance to change can be brought about by seven ways in an organization Education and communication Participation Building support and commitment Negotiation Manipulation and cooptation Selecting people who accept change Coercion (, six change approaches) Approaches to Change Management There are various approaches adopted by organizations to manage change. Some of them are: Lewins three step model In a model suggested by Lewin he has given three steps of change: unfreezing the status quo, movement to a desired end state and refreezing i.e., new change to make it permanent. Kotters eight step plan Based on Lewin three step model Kotter has suggested an eight step plan for implementing change. Action research It refers to a change process based on the systematic collection of data and then selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicates. Organization development It is a collection of planned change interventions build on humanistic democratic values, that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well being. The six interventions used in OD are: Sensitivity training Survey feedback Process consultation Team building Intergroup development Appreciative inquiry (Robbins S. P., Judge T., 2008). 5. Research Methodology Data collection methods Secondary Research Secondary research is the data collected from secondary sources like Online Web Portals, Magazines and published Journals, among many others. The review of literature is a comprehensive analysis of the research already collected on the concerned topics. While collecting the secondary data, we will ensure the following: Reliability Suitability Adequacy Primary Research Primary research is the collection of data that is not already available. The process is designed to serve a specific set of objectives useful for the study. The data is collected through various methods such as interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, online surveys, etc. For this study, we have chosen suitable methods of primary research to learn about the objectives of the study: Quantitative Research: It refers to the data that is numerical, and can be measured and expressed in terms of numbers. The most popular form of quantitative research is the questionnaire/survey method. The survey will be conducted with the employees working in ONGC Ltd. Research Design The study will be explorative as well as descriptive in nature. Sampling design Target population: The target population in this research refers to the employees working in ONGC. The respondents can be of any gender and any income level. Sampling unit The sampling unit is ONGC Ltd. Sampling method For this research we use non-probability sampling. Zikmund (1997) stated that in non-probability sampling, the probability of any particular member of the population being chosen is unknown. The element in the population does not have any probability attached to their being chosen as sample subjects. Size of Sample Survey A sample size of 250 respondents will be considered for this study. Sampling plan: The data will be collected from employees working in the organization. Questionnaire Design: The questionnaire will consist of both open-ended and close-ended questions. The questions will be framed to enable respondents answer the questions like an essay. There is no limit on how much the interviewee wants to say on a particular topic. Data Analysis and Interpretation The data collected from primary research will be analysed and interpreted using Factor Analysis. It is suitable to the study over other tools, because: It provides both subjective as well as objective results, of which subjective can be converted into numbers/scores It can be used to identify and understand the hidden attributes or constructs which would otherwise (in case of direct analysis) have been unapparent It is inexpensive and easier to implement than other tools. 6. Significance of the study The findings of this study should be useful to the top management of ONGC Ltd. as they would be able to understand the causes and effects of change on the employees and the reasons of resistance towards it. It would be easy for them to understand the plight of employees while adapting the change in their system and is it really effective or not. The findings of this study should also provide an insight to the employees in finding out ways in coping with change and understanding its importance for their professional growth. Finally, the findings from this study might add some useful information to the research already being conducted in this area which needs to be highlighted so that the employees as well as the management will understand the better approaches to adopt changes and plausible solutions to this problem. 7. Limitations of the Study The study will be limited to the employees working in ONGC as the researcher is specially focusing on the implementation of change management in public sector organizations. The approaches would be limited to the reasons of changes and then its implementation particularly in ONGC. 8. Organization of the paper Explains the chapterisation plan of the actual thesis. It basically consists of five chapters: Introduction It includes the introduction to change, change management in public sector organizations and it importance. Review of Literature It includes the research on organizational change, forces of change, resistance to change and how to overcome resistance, change agents etc. Research Methodology It includes the research design, sample size, sources of data collection, questionnaire etc. Data Analysis It gives the results and interpretations of the data collected and analyzed from the respondents. Conclusion and Recommendations This chapter will give the conclusions and recommendations which will come from the respondents and strategies which could be employed by the organizations.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
History: american civilization essay
William McKinley was proposed as the presidential Republican with the support of Mark Hanna, who was very wealthy industrialist he favored tariffs so as to protect the nation’s prosperity and a limitation on silver and ended up defeating William Jennings Bryan, who was feared as a menace to the administration during 1892 election. McKinley was adapted to the international bimetallism idea which was a contract of a number of countries in the usage of both silver and gold as the currency base. He later opened the way to acceptance of the1900 Gold Standard Act.William McKinley was the president of diverse historical period. William McKinley lived during the Populist period and was the US president during the Progressive era. In that period, as the president of the United States, traditional values such as the gambling and brothels were being eroded. The ideology was changing of all the political parties. Factionalism rose as a consequence. The United States Peoples ways of life was shifting rapidly. America moved to industrial economy from the agricultural economy and to urban environment from the rural environment and from the producer’s culture to the consumer’s culture.Small businesses and factories and increased in number. Immigrants were moving to America very quickly as Workers demanded more rights and planned means to get them. Aggressive labor movements pursued. There were radical changes in the government and the politics that were meant to make America further democratic. William McKinley was against corruption and the vice in his government as People demanded businesses to be further be responsible too. The city dwellers demanded better living conditionsNevertheless, Theodore Roosevelt became the president in these continuing circumstances when William McKinley was assassinated. Some historians believe Roosevelt became the president when the modern era had already been begun. Roosevelt w as fond of writing about himself boastfully and excessively, besides that he was reckless. His behavior towards the courts and the Congress displayed his highhandedness. He never made long term plans but his life was illustrated by contradictions and inconsistencies.In the year 1900, Roosevelt had claimed that he could not be a vice president, but changed his mind later. After leaving the office in 1904, he had said that he would never run for the US presidency again, but contradicted himself eight years afterward. His understanding of the global affairs was deficient. Roosevelt’s aspiration was also â€Å"adolescent†sine he had left the post of the New York police commissioner without a success.  Roosevelt was successful strenuous in improving the navy technologically.  He believed the Navy should be used for offense. The major function of the US Navy was to destroying the enemies and not defending its coastline. The navy had only seven main ships when Roosevelt became president, but were twenty two by the time he left was considered 5th best in the world.McKinley sponsored a protective tariff in 1890 that bore his name which was the highest tariff in the United States history. While he was Ohio governor and later became he favored negotiation between labor and capital and frequently favored the poor. After the Spanish American War and the1900 re-election, he revealed a fresh and a broader means for an internationally conscious America. Ironically, this became his final speech as he was mortally wounded by an assassin’s the following day on 6th, September, 1901.McKinley competently manipulated both the politicians and the public.  His domestic achievements and programs were overpowered by the foreign policies that dominated his administration. Ever an advocate for a healthy and a wealthy economy, McKinley supported creation of new overseas markets for products from United States.  These foreign markets put America at danger of being involved affairs of the other nations.Though the Spanish-American War that ended in August 1898 was short-lived, the US surfaced as a world super power. He played a major role in organizing the US military effort where he was directly functioning as the Commander-in-Chief. Peace negotiations with the Spanish government led to US occupation of Cuba until 1902 when it gained independence, besides the acquisition of Guam and Puerto Rico.Not willing to let the previous Spanish ownership, the Philippines islands fell into competing hands, he, McKinley directed his envoys to get the islands. After getting the news of the conquest of Admiral George Dewey against the Spanish fleet on 1st may 1898 at Manila Bay, McKinley ran a campaign persuading the Americans that the islands had to become the ownership of the US. Despite the opposition, he engineered ratification by the senate of the Treaty of Paris which was an achievement tha t expanded the influence and the powers of the president.The rest of McKinley’s life as president was shaped by the results of the Spanish-American War. .The American Civil War of 1861 to1865 that outshined the Spanish American War and the U.S. participation in World War One of 1917 to 1918, united with the recent national sense of guilt concerning the Spanish-American War clouded McKinley’s reputation. McKinley strengthened the presidency, toured widely, and offered the press greater accessibility to the White House. He had a masterful management of the congress led to evolution of the modern presidency; in fact, he laid the base for further development of the presidential office under the presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.REFERENCESGeorge William Norris (1992) Fighting Liberal, University of Nebraska Press, USKathleen H. Jamieson (1996) Packaging the Presidency, Oxford University Press, USON HISTORIANS’ CHANGING PERCEPTIONS OF THEODO RE ROOSEVELT PRE-1950s AND POST-1940s, retrieved on 3rd, October, 2007, available at
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Secret to World Studies Extended Essay Topics
The Secret to World Studies Extended Essay Topics Want to Know More About World Studies Extended Essay Topics? History essays cannot center on subjects that occurred in the last ten years that's simply not history. All kinds of essays that are given on several subjects can easily be completed by the experts because of a very long expertise in the specialty. In addition, by definition, some topics aren't acceptable for a protracted essay in physics, which is an experimental science with a certain strategy and techniques. They may be unsuitable for investigation because of safety issues. All things considered, essay writing is a very simple task when you have the correct topic. All essays have to be supervised by means of a school supervisor. As you prepare the protracted essay, you are going to want to study several sample essays. You will construct your full extended essay around it. Among other requirements for the protracted essay, there's a point about topics. The selection of topic is all-important in regards to writing a protracted essay and certainly in the topic of history. Besides having an intriguing essay topic, you should use develop it in an appropriate way. The next issue to discuss is an elongated essay format. Ensure your subject of choice is specific. Try out another topic and do the exact 5-minute writing test till you locate a topic you know it is simple to write on. Pick a carefully focused topic where you're able to use two different practical tactics to address it. Your subject of choice will motivate you to create a fantastic work. Lies You've Been Told About World Studies Extended Essay Topics Writing for a term paper may be a tricky procedure to start due to the research that's necessary to create a strong paper. You pick a topic that should be accepted by IB (which is not so difficult). Economics An excellent economics essay n eeds a narrowly focussed research question on a place of interest for those economics student. Essays written at the degree of a newspaper or news magazine article are unlikely to attain a high mark. The Little-Known Secrets to World Studies Extended Essay Topics Some schools will provide you with a timeline of when you have to think of a topic, when you want to meet up with your advisor and when certain drafts are due. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. Each student will choose a teacher to function as an advisor. Though some students might be too proud to request help, others realize the huge wealth of chances that comes in the kind of mentors, assistants, and tutors. Want to Know More About World Studies Extended Essay Topics? You need to consider something that's easily researchable and where you are able to perform experimentation. Your audience can tell by considering the paper whether you were interested in the topic or not If yo u're having a difficult time deciding on the best topic for your essay, then you should think about the next ideas. If you're really stuck trying to discover a not too broad or narrow topic, I advise attempting to brainstorm a topic that employs a comparison. Write about something you enjoy because you'll be spending a good deal of time on it. Therefore, if there's any reason why you cannot have your extended essay written on time yourself, all you have to do is place your order on our site, and leave the rest to us! If you have the question right you have an extremely great opportunity of writing a high-scoring extended essay. The idea forming of the EE procedure is most likely the toughest bit as you don't even understand what you're doing yet but you have to write 4000 words. Do not compose a lengthy compound sentence if it is possible to write it as two distinct sentences. A lengthy essay is a sort of academic writing assignment, which success depends upon the structure. In such situations, only the essential non-chemistry information should be offered in the debut, since the essay is going to be marked on its chemical content. Except for selecting a topic, researching, and pinning down the major question, it's crucial to choose the structure as a protracted essay needs to be long. As the method is interdisciplin ary explaining the topic through the lens of over 1 discipline, students should develop a very clear rationale for taking an interdisciplinary strategy, picking out the IB disciplines through which they intend to learn more about the topic. A protracted essay writing is vital requirement for those students taking ib programs. For the class, there's no exam. The final, formal item of writing of 3,000-4,000 words is something which students can take pride in, present to teachers, parents and perhaps even future employers. Taking economics extended course requires you to have a deeper comprehension of economics.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Analysis The Tain, Warriors Ferdia And Cuchulainn
Often, in a morally ambiguous culture, ideologies contradict one anotherâ€â€however, the basis of cultural values merge these various beliefs into one cohesive creed. Throughout The Tain, ideals of the morally ambiguous culture of Ireland present the considerations of its citizens and the characteristics which possess value to them. Many of the heroes, who manage to leave behind a legacy strong enough to appear in The Tain, demonstrate themselves as worthy heroes who represent principles that the Irish hold dear. However, the two heroes, Cuchulainn and Ferdia, display the moral vagueness of Irish values and epitomize the cultural standards during the time of the epic in the greatest sense. These foster brothers, trained under the same†¦show more content†¦The characteristic of fearlessness that symbolizes Cuchulainn is made evident when he disregards his age and transforms himself to appear older when fighting warriors in Ireland. This concept exhibits fearlessness becau se Cuchulainn, a seventeen-year-old, with no beard (a way of displaying age and manliness in Ireland during this time period) engages in single combat with some of the strongest and greatest warriors of his time. Ferdia, in comparison to Cuchulainn, demonstrates many of the same qualities, yet is not regarded in as high regards to the all-mighty warrior. Ferdia represents integrity and trustworthiness but also shares the quality of fearlessness. The representation of integrity, through Ferdia’s battle with Cuchulainn, portrays the importance of truthfulness in the Irish at the time of this epic. This ideal of integrity, symbolized by Ferdia, can be noticed when Ferdia, knowingly battles Cuchulainn in Cuchulainn’s fiercest state, never cheating, and abiding by all the rules set out for him in the warrior code of honor. Ferdia states â€Å"By the way of deceit no good can come†which represents his belief and the belief of the Irish people that manipulation and deceit serve no ability to enable good in the world (197). This showcases the ideology of the Irish people being one that appreciates a person’s honesty rather than their ability to win a battle. Ferdiaâ€℠¢s trustworthiness is unquestionable when he holds his promise to Queen Medb in a higherShow MoreRelatedEssay on Heroes of Celtic and Germanic Mythology3702 Words  | 15 Pagesand Germanic mythology exhibited similar characteristics regardless of whether or not they were Anglo-Saxon, Rhenish, or Irish. Indeed, there are many parallels between the behaviors demonstrated by the heroes of Beowulf, the Nibelungenlied, and the Tain Bo Cuailnge. Some of the most striking of these parallels are: the noble and divine lineage of the hero; the hero’s increased endurance and his exceptional combat abilities (including the use of powerful weapons and berserker behavior); the hero’s
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