Saturday, November 30, 2019
Personal Philosophy of Success
One of the defining characteristics of man is that he is constantly striving to achieve more and become a success both in his eyes and in the eyes of his community. One of the ways through which human beings increase their likelihood at succeeding is by coming up with success strategies. Harper reveals that a common factor among successful people is that they all possess success strategies which they utilize to turn their dreams and ambitions into a reality.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Philosophy of Success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Considering the fact that I personally intend to become a successful person, I have come up with a personal philosophy of success which shall be composed of various success strategies that I deem as important. In this essay, I shall define the success strategies that I have discovered and which I intend to use in the coming years to achieve success. One of the succ ess strategies that I have incorporated in my personal philosophy is flexibility. Flexibility entails being open to changing course when it is not possibly to proceed in the current manner or when the current course of action is not producing the desirable results. Rochford goes on to declare that one of the signs of a great person is flexibility. In my past, I have adopted a rigid stance and acted as though my goals were cast in stone. This has resulted in unnecessary disappointment and failure when it was very apparent that my actions were not achieving results. By adopting this strategy, I can avoid such occurrences since I will at all times realize that things do not always go as I have planned in life and I may be forced to adopt different plans in the course of realizing my goals. Another strategy that I have come up with is that I need to set my own goals according to my own passions and ambitions and not my family’s. In the past, I have always compared my activities w ith those of my family members and have in fact used this as the yardstick for measuring how well I was fairing. With my newly formulated personal philosophy of success, I realize that I have been confining myself and greatly limiting my chances of success by seeking to fill in the mould that has been cast for me by my family. Harper asserts that living one’s passions is more important than pleasing one’s family and friends (1). With this realization, I shall set out to do the best I can for myself regardless of the goals set out for me by others. Another important strategy that I have included to my personal philosophy is being focused on my future goals. Rochford reveals that one can always impact their future positively by being focused and persistent (9). This is because being focused enables one to work with a single-mindedness that mostly results in success.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 1 5% OFF Learn More While I have always set goals for myself through my life, I realize that I have not been as focused on achieving them. By adopting this philosophy, I am bound to achieve great successes since I shall invest more time and efforts to my work. The strategies that I have outlined in this paper are the most important among the ones that I intend to use as the road map which will guide me to the immense personal achievements that await me in my future. I have no doubt that my strict application of this personal philosophy of success will keep me on course to a rich and personally fulfilling life. Works Cited Harper, Craig. 10 Powerful Success Strategies. 14 July 2008. Web. Rochford, Philip. Live a Life of Virtual Success: Choose Your Personal Success Strategies. iUniverse, 2003. Print. This essay on Personal Philosophy of Success was written and submitted by user Brent B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Make Any Small Space Productive for Studying
How to Make Any Small Space Productive for Studying Do you have a special homework space? Do you sit at a desk to do your math problems, or do you balance your book on your knee as you prop yourself up in bed? Many students live in apartments or small houses that make it tough to carve a special place just for homework. For those students who have to lie on the floor or on a bed to read and write papers, homework can be a real challenge. However, the following strategies can help make your workspace more productive- wherever it might be. Turn your kitchen table into a desk. Put your studying supplies into a bag or basket and head to the kitchen table. The kitchen table is often ideal because it offers enough room to spread out. Small supply organizers, like a writing utensil stand or an accordion folder, will enable you to get the most out of the space. Wear noise-blocking headphones. If youre working on your homework in a busy environment, youre sure to face some potential distractions. Noise blocking headphones wont make the space any larger, but they will help you zone out and concentrate exclusively on the material in front of you. Snag a beanbag. If youre used to studying on the floor, consider getting a beanbag chair. Beanbags are incredibly multi-functional: they can serve as a chair, a recliner, or a table. If you get tired of reading in one position, just roll over and adjust your beanbag into a new position. Utilize a glass-topped table. If you have a glass topped coffee table in your home, you may be able to double-up the size of your workspace. Spread the books and papers youre currently using on top of the table, then spread the rest underneath the table. This way, youll know where all of your materials are at all times – no more digging through giant stacks of books. Use pillows for posture. If you read on the floor, don’t place your book on the floor and bend down to read. This position will cause strain on your back and neck muscles. Instead, pile some pillows on the floor and get into a comfortable lying position. Youll be able to read for much longer, and youll be far more comfortable while doing so. Try working outdoors. Students rarely think of the outdoors when assessing potential study spaces, but its often a great option. If you have a patio, balcony, or other shared outdoor space, consider turning it into a study area. Outdoor tables make great desks, and nature is often far less distracting than indoor spaces. Keep it organized. No matter where you end up working, be sure to keep it organized. After each study session, spend 3-5 minutes cleaning up the area: pick up stacks of papers, put books back on the bookshelf, and pack up your backpack for the next day. Next time you return to your study space, it will be neat, clean, and welcoming.
Friday, November 22, 2019
O Little Town of Bethlehem in Spanish
O Little Town of Bethlehem in Spanish Here is a Spanish version of the popular Christmas hymn O Little Town of Bethlehem. It was originally written in English by American clergyman Phillips Brooks. Oh pueblecito de Belà ©n Oh pueblecito de Belà ©n, cun quieto tà º ests.Los astros en silencio dan su bella luz en paz.Mas en tus calles brilla la luz de redencià ³nque da a todo hombre la eterna salvacià ³n. Nacido el Mesà as ha, y en Su derredor,los santos ngeles de Dios vigilan con amor.Albenlo los astros; las nuevas proclamadque a los hombres dan la paz y buena voluntad. Oh, cun inmenso el amor que nuestro Dios mostrà ³al enviar un Salvador; Su Hijo nos mandà ³.Aunque Su nacimiento pasà ³ sin atencià ³n,aà ºn lo puede recibir el manso corazà ³n. O, santo Nià ±o de Belà ©n, sà © nuestro SalvadorPerdona nuestras faltas hoy y danos tu amor.Los ngeles anuncian la prometida luz.Ven con nosotros a morar, oh Cristo, Rey Jesà ºs. English Translation of Spanish Lyrics O little town of Bethlehem, how quiet your are.The stars silently give their beautiful light peacefully.But in your streets shines the light of redemptionWhich gives everyone eternal salvation. He was born the Messiah, and in his surroundingsGods holy angels lovingly keep watch.Stars, praise him; proclaim the newsThat they bring peace and goodwill to people. Oh, how great is the love that our God demonstratesby sending a Savior; He sent His Son.Even though His birth occurred without receiving attention,the quiet heart can still receive him. O holy Child of Bethlehem, I know our SaviorForgives our faults today and gives us His love.The angels announce the promised birth.Come dwell with us, oh Christ, King Jesus. Translation Notes Pueblecito is not capitalized in the title. It is the practice in Spanish to capitalize only the first word and proper nouns in composition titles. The interjection oh is less common in Spanish than in English but usually has similar meaning. Although their sound is the same, it should not be confused with the conjunction o nor the letter O. Pueblecito is a diminutive variation of pueblo, a word meaning people or, in this context, town. A diminutive can indicate not only that something is small, but also that something is the object of affection. So pueblecito might be thought of as meaning dear little down or sweet little town. Belà ©n is the Spanish name for Bethlehem. It isnt unusual for names of cities, particularly those well-known centuries ago, to have different names in different languages. Interestingly, in Spanish the word belà ©n (not capitalized) has come to refer to a nativity scene or a crib. It also has a colloquial use referring to confusion or a confusing problem. Note how in the translation many prepositional phrases have been translated as English adverbs. For example, en silencio becomes silently and con amor becomes lovingly. Although most such phrases can be translated word for word to English, it often sounds more natural to use adverbs in English. Astros can refer to stars or other celestial bodies. Estrella is a more common word for star. Beautiful light could be rendered as either bella luz or luz bella. With the adjective (bella) before the noun (luz), the phrase is given a more emotional quality than it might have otherwise, although the difference between the two isnt readily translatable to English. Mas is a somewhat old-fashioned word meaning but. More common today is pero. It shouldnt not be confused with ms, which usually means more. Although hombre normally refers to an adult human male, it can also refer to humanity in general, especially in literary use. In this way, it is much like the English man. Use of cun instead of quà © to mean how is infrequent in everyday speech and is limited mostly to poetic use. Manso isnt a particularly common word. It is often used to refer to docility in animals. Prometida luz is translated here as promised birth. Out of context, the phrase normally would be translated as promised light. But the phrase dar a luz (literally, to give to light) means to give birth, and prometida luz here is probably poetic reference to that meaning. Parts of this song use an unusual word order to maintain the correct rhythm for the music. Most notably, Nacido el Mesà as ha (the equivalent of something like born the Messiah has been) would typically be written as Ha nacido el Mesà as. It is extremely unusual to separate ha and other forms of haber from a past participle when forming the perfect tense.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Xipe Totec from Aztec culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Xipe Totec from Aztec culture - Research Paper Example Holistic religion remains the base for the Aztec culture. The Aztec worshiped a collection of gods each of which had a beneficial side and also a detrimental side to the community. The Aztec rulers were seen as intermediaries between the people and the gods. They were held with such high regard that upon their death they would be buried in magnificent tombs which were filled with offerings and gifts. The Aztec belief of life after death is one that is rather captivating. It was believed that after death the people were taken to the underworld which was characterized by sinister objects and sinister gods. It was characterized by the jaguar which was believed to be the god of the night. There are certain elements of the religion, which will be examined further for the purpose of getting more understanding. The Xipe Totec is in focus here. This is one of the many deities, which existed, in the religious life of the Aztec people. This particular deity was in relation to the aspects of li fe and death. The Aztec people believed that it was this particular deity that was responsible for giving the people of the community and the general humanity food. It is also of the essence to note that there are quite a number of things, which this particular deity is credited. An example in this case is that it was this deity that was the inventor of wars that existed in the world. It is also to be noted that the Aztec placed a lot of belief in some of the things that surrounded the religion of the community. ... An example in this case is that it was this deity that was the inventor of wars that existed in the world. It is also to be noted that the Aztec placed a lot of belief in some of the things that surrounded the religion of the community. An example in this case is to do with the skin, which covered the Xipe Totec. In this case, it is put that the skin was perceived to have some curative properties. For example, if a sick person touched it, he or she was believed to be cured in the process. There are also a lot of things which the people in the community could undertake for the purpose of appeasing this deity. An example here is in relation to human sacrifice, which was something that was rather prevalent in the community. One of the ways through the aspect of human sacrifice was realized in the community was through the arrow sacrifice. What happened here is that the person who was going to be sacrificed was shot with many arrows while his body was placed near the deity. This was so t hat his or her blood could spill on the ground near the Xipe Totec. The Aztec offered blood to the gods but not necessarily through death. What they did however, is engage in activities that brought pain to the body for example piercing themselves with sharp objects or mutilating their bodies. At important ceremonies the sacrificed victim’s heart was burned in order to nourish the gods. This was majorly through human sacrifice. Human sacrifice was considered important as it encourages fertility and demonstrated piety. The Aztec offered blood to the gods but not necessarily through death. What they did however, is engage in activities that brought pain to the body for example piercing themselves with sharp objects
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Analysis of P&G 2010 Annual Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analysis of P&G 2010 Annual Report - Term Paper Example They were encouraged by their father-in-law to do a business together which they finally pursued and agreed to a joint venture after some years. Procter brought with him, his candle-making expertise while Gamble who was an experienced soap-maker offered his services. The company started off by selling candles and soap in the Ohio area. It became more of a family business when Procter’s eldest son went on to become the president of the corporation in 1890. Gamble’s eldest son, inducted the first ever laboratory in the company’s history giving it its first ever Ivory soap. As of 2010, the company is manufacturing and selling 81 different brands. They range from budget and household items for instance detergents and pampers to designer lines for instance Dolce and Gabbana and Burberry 5. As of 2009, the company garnered $79 billion in revenue. Of this $13 billion was in net earnings and this gave the company an earning margin of 14.3%. In 2008, the net revenues were 81.7 billion dollars. Procter and Gamble had also been in the news recently for their acquisition of Ambi Pur from the Sar Lee corporation for 320 million Euros. Procter and Gamble provides consumer packaged goods. Its products are sold in more than 180 countries through mass merchandisers, grocery stores, drug stores, high frequency stores, neighborhood stores and membership club stores. These stores different consumer in developing marketings. P & G conducts on-ground operations in approximately 80 countries. As of June 30, 2010, the company had three Global Business Units: Beauty and Grooming, Health and Well Being and Household care. 16% of its total revenue comes from sales to Wal-Mart. The company takes pride in focusing on strategies that they believe are right for the long-term health of the Company. They plan on increasing their organic sales from 1% to 2% faster than the market growth in categories in which they compete.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Father-Daughter relationship of Atticus to Scout Essay Example for Free
The Father-Daughter relationship of Atticus to Scout Essay The relationship between a father and a daughter is something that has been cherished throughout the ages. Each plays a large role in the development and growth of in each others lives and personalities. The same is true for the relationship between Atticus and Scout in the novel To Kill a Mocking Bird. The stereotypical father to a daughter is usually large, protective, and very kind. Atticus, however, does not fit the stereotype. He is kind, but unlike most fathers, he is tall and skinny, and just tends to read all day. Atticus does not fill the stereotype; however he is a father that parents his daughter with values and tolerance. He does play a role of father figure, but Atticus seems to be less of a father and more of a teacher in Scouts life. The way he instructs her about life, and about how to deal with people, it seems Atticus is attempting to be a teacher to Scout. Atticus, in his wisdom and age, understands Scout very well, if not too well. We see Atticus as being almost omniscient in Scout, and Jems lives. He is the rock and ever unchanging constant factor in their life and his influence is very heavy. Scout is almost a challenge to Atticus, as to how to rear his child to the best of his ability to shape her for the best of circumstances. Though he is her father, Atticus is a teacher and a mentor. His influence affects a lot of Scouts decisions, and Scout helps teach him about life as well. Scout, being a young developing girl, has many changing aspects and thought processes. She tends to be unreliable, and ever-changing, and not at a slow pace either. Scout shows Atticus that kids dont yet know the basics; they need to be taught from the beginning, and need to learn quite a bit about etiquette and how to deal with other human beings. Her relationship with Atticus tends to be mostly that of a pupil to a teacher, but sometimes shifts slightly. In some instances, she fills the role of Atticus daughter, and acts upon love as if related, rather than reason. For sure, Scout knows that she loves Atticus, and she knows he is her father and she respects him. She just does not always treat him like a father, and when she doesnt, she is his pupil. Scout has limited knowledge because of her age, and thusly, cannot understand Atticus as well as he understands her. Atticus tends to be an enigma to Scout, and reveals himself only when she asks questions, but not revealing himself all the way. She does not understand him in a way a daughter gets a father, but she does have the general knowledge of understand of how a student understands a master. This just furthers the point of their distant relationship. Thought Scout does not understand Atticus as Atticus does Scout, they still have a profound relationship that is almost air tight. The sacred bond between daughter in father comes in many varieties and fashions, one of which being Teacher and Student. This happens to be the way that Atticus and Scout are, which does mean that they arent as close as others. Scout is still developing in life, and her role in Atticus life is changing, and eventually will take on an entirely different form. But as of now, Atticus tends to be the understanding teacher, while Scout is the ignorant pupil. Sources: To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
Thursday, November 14, 2019
female juvenile crime Essay -- essays research papers
Traditionally, there has been little research on or interest in the impact of female crime in modern society. In addition, juvenile crime rates are on the rise, which combine for a void of research or information on female juvenile offenders. In general, crime rates for women offenders have risen since the 1990's. Increasing numbers of young women are also offending at higher rates. In a 1996 U.S. Department of Justice Report, the number of arrests of young women had doubled between 1989 and 1993. Twenty percent of all juvenile arrests were committed by girls, an increase of 87 percent. However, according to The National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, males are far more likely to admit to criminal involvement than are females. For example, 12 percent of males and 4 percent of females reported carrying a hidden weapon other than a pocketknife in the past year (Wilson, p.150). There are several theories for this rise in crime proposed by modern feminists, including that t he introduction of women into traditional male roles prompted women to commit increasingly dangerous and violent crimes. However, this paper will rely on Meda Chesney-Lind's theories from The Female Offender. First, Chesney-Lind points out that research on female offenders in general is lacking, and that victimization plays a key role in the offending of women. "†¦Responses must address a world that has been unfair to women and especially those of color and pover...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Analysis of Badinerie by J. S. Bach Essay
The piece Badinerie is best known for its destinations as the final movement of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Orchestral Suit No.2 in B minor. Johann Sebastian Bach was born on the 21st March 1685 and died on the 31st of July 1750. He was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, and violinist. He wrote sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments. Bach drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. The piece Badinerie is in a light mood and structured in the Binary Form. It is cast in swift 2/4 metre beginning on the upbeat or anacrusis. This piece was originally written for a Chamber Orchestra and a solo flute. The piece starts in B minor and played in allegro tempo throughout. Badinerie start with a messo forte dynamic marking meaning moderately loud with motive A in the pickup bar at the beginning and motive B starts on the second beat in bar two to bar 3. The Antecedent ranges from the beginning of the music to the first beat of bar four, which ends on a Perfect Authentic Cadence. The Consequent started on the second beat of bar for four to the first beat of bar ten, which ended on an Imperfect Cadence a one to a five suspended two chord in second inversion. They are long phrases throughout the duration of the piece. In the first five bars the bass line plays a Bassa Continuo style in Baroque music, however in modern day it is called a Walking Bass style. In bars six to ten the melody line plays a similar rhythm that the bass was playing in the first five bars and the bass line plays a similar rhythm to what the melody line was playing. The second beat of bar 10 the dynamic marking changes to forte meaning loud which is the beginning of the phrase extension and sequential progression to bar 16. There is a great build up in this phrase with a messo forte crescendo leading up to forte and the use of sixteen notes in the bass notes the section intense and bright. Bar sixteen the end of the first section is repeated and ends on an Imperfect five of five going to five cadence called tonicization. The second section of the piece is a development of A, which is the same melody played a fifth up. The Antecedent started from the pickup beat to the first beat of bar twenty and the consequent picked up on the next beat and ended on bar twenty three on a five of three going to a three cadence. The piece then modulated to D major in the next bar then f# minor in bar 30 then back to b minor in bar thirty two. There is a phrase extension starting on the second beat of bar twenty to the first beat of bar twenty eight. The same idea comes back again of the melody line taking the rhythm of the bass line and the bass line taken the rhythm of the melody line in bars twenty eight to thirty two. There are pedal points in bars 33 to 35, interesting to note that there is use of octaves. In bars thirty six the first beat has a loud dynamic marking and the second beat has a soft dynamic marking which is quite interesting. There is a crescendo in the next bar leading up to forte towards the second to last bar. This section is then repeated and the section time around there is a rit. 2 Volta which means turn around then retard the second time. The piece ends on a Perfect Authentic Cadence.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Is obesity a disease
The US. Has the largest portion sizes throughout the world, this doesn't include having seconds and third rounds of a meal. Fast food restaurants are around every corner, they have different size meals although they are all extremely close in price. Most people living in the United States have the mindset of â€Å"why not get more out of what am buying and pay the extra . 35? †With this thought, it makes consuming unhealthy food a money saver. With technological advances, children and adults spend more time on a computer, cell phone, tablet, and watching elevations rather than exercising, playing sports and going out.Nowadays, most adults rely on automobiles to get around town, to work, to school, wherever it may be. Adults have decreased their amount of walking to and from places or riding their bikes. This is everyday exercise that can prevent obesity and IS an easy option. Low income and food insecure people are vulnerable to being overweight. These people usually have lim ited access to affordable, unhealthy food. When they do have access to healthy food, it is likely that the food is more expensive than junk food being sold.Due to this, it is more likely to buy unhealthy food especially being on such a tight budget. Also, fast food is a major contributor to obesity in children and adults. There are little to no healthy fast food restaurants. Fast food is usually unhealthy, cheap and easy to get. Because of this, people will go through fast food restaurants instead of buying healthy food and going home to cook it. Low income neighborhoods have a lot fewer physical activities sources like parks or tracks than higher income neighborhoods. When sources are available, they are usually unsafe areas for children and even adults.For 16 years, lived on farm land where my grandfather owned orchards. Around me there were absolutely no physical activity sources, no where to play, and really no where to go. When moved a couple years ago, we live five minutes awa y from one park and two minutes away from another. The neighborhood live in now, there are a lot bigger houses and is more of a higher income neighborhood. Never realized this until researching obesity. Families who are low income sometimes stretch their food budgets by skipping a meal or two. This is especially common in others of low income families.Because of this, when their body does get food, it stores the food as fat because it doesn't know the next time food will come. This leads to obesity in most cases. Low income families usually have high levels of stress due to financial and emotional pressure. Some of the main causes of obesity are stress, anxiety and depression. I personally have experienced weight gain as a cause of stress and anxiety. For the longest time, I kept gaining weight which made me more anxious and even more stressed. I got medical treatment and was given medication to control my anxiety.After taking the medication I was immediately seeing weight loss and was no longer threatened by obesity. There are many more consequences Of Obesity than Only stress and anxiety. Diabetes is a main factor contributing to obesity. Others are high blood pressure, iron deficiency, early puberty, premature death, low self esteem, depression, asthma, and many more. These are some factors that although are mostly caused by obesity, are preventable. Obesity may lead to substance abuse, peer factorization, poor academic performance, and behavior problems.The definition of a disease is 1. A condition of abnormal vital function involving an structure, part or system of an organism. 2. A specific illness or disorder characterized by a recognizable set of signs and symptoms attributable to heredity, infection, diet, or environment. Obesity fits the definition entirely, although there are ways to prevent it including lower calorie intake, smaller portions, more physical activity and better food choices. Some people may say diets and exercise fail due to their bo dy mass index (IBM). This is misleading.IBM is based on a calculation of height and eight combined. So, for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a very high IBM although it is all contained of muscles. One can also find people with a low IBM that have a high percentage of body fat. According to WebMD. Com, a child's total diet and activity determines a child's weight. This can include computer and video game time. On average, a typical child spends four hours a day watching television. This is not including video game or computer time. As technology becomes more common, the level of physical inactivity will keep increasing.A child's weight, in my opinion s soles based on their parents or guardians decisions. This including the amount Of time being spent playing video games, watching television, and being on the computer. Two major factor for parents or guardians to prevent their child from becoming obese is to control portion sizes, and to maintain at least two hours of physical activ ity. This can easily be done by signing up for a school sport or even taking a walk around the neighborhood. From previous observation, child obesity is caused by a parent or guardians ignorance, or failure to be there for their child.I have seen in some cases where a permissive parent will give their child what ever they please in order to keep them happy and busy while the parent gets things done like house work, cooking, cleaning, etc. This not only gives the child an idea that they're in charge and what ever they say goes, but it shows neglect and carelessness of the parent or guardian. This may contribute to a major problem as the child gets older. Modeling is one of the major ways for a child to learn. If young children see their parents or guardians eating fruits and vegetables, it is extremely likely they will too. Is obesity a disease The US. Has the largest portion sizes throughout the world, this doesn't include having seconds and third rounds of a meal. Fast food restaurants are around every corner, they have different size meals although they are all extremely close in price. Most people living in the United States have the mindset of â€Å"why not get more out of what am buying and pay the extra . 35? †With this thought, it makes consuming unhealthy food a money saver. With technological advances, children and adults spend more time on a computer, cell phone, tablet, and watching elevations rather than exercising, playing sports and going out.Nowadays, most adults rely on automobiles to get around town, to work, to school, wherever it may be. Adults have decreased their amount of walking to and from places or riding their bikes. This is everyday exercise that can prevent obesity and IS an easy option. Low income and food insecure people are vulnerable to being overweight. These people usually have lim ited access to affordable, unhealthy food. When they do have access to healthy food, it is likely that the food is more expensive than junk food being sold.Due to this, it is more likely to buy unhealthy food especially being on such a tight budget. Also, fast food is a major contributor to obesity in children and adults. There are little to no healthy fast food restaurants. Fast food is usually unhealthy, cheap and easy to get. Because of this, people will go through fast food restaurants instead of buying healthy food and going home to cook it. Low income neighborhoods have a lot fewer physical activities sources like parks or tracks than higher income neighborhoods. When sources are available, they are usually unsafe areas for children and even adults.For 16 years, lived on farm land where my grandfather owned orchards. Around me there were absolutely no physical activity sources, no where to play, and really no where to go. When moved a couple years ago, we live five minutes awa y from one park and two minutes away from another. The neighborhood live in now, there are a lot bigger houses and is more of a higher income neighborhood. Never realized this until researching obesity. Families who are low income sometimes stretch their food budgets by skipping a meal or two. This is especially common in others of low income families.Because of this, when their body does get food, it stores the food as fat because it doesn't know the next time food will come. This leads to obesity in most cases. Low income families usually have high levels of stress due to financial and emotional pressure. Some of the main causes of obesity are stress, anxiety and depression. I personally have experienced weight gain as a cause of stress and anxiety. For the longest time, I kept gaining weight which made me more anxious and even more stressed. I got medical treatment and was given medication to control my anxiety.After taking the medication I was immediately seeing weight loss and was no longer threatened by obesity. There are many more consequences Of Obesity than Only stress and anxiety. Diabetes is a main factor contributing to obesity. Others are high blood pressure, iron deficiency, early puberty, premature death, low self esteem, depression, asthma, and many more. These are some factors that although are mostly caused by obesity, are preventable. Obesity may lead to substance abuse, peer factorization, poor academic performance, and behavior problems.The definition of a disease is 1. A condition of abnormal vital function involving an structure, part or system of an organism. 2. A specific illness or disorder characterized by a recognizable set of signs and symptoms attributable to heredity, infection, diet, or environment. Obesity fits the definition entirely, although there are ways to prevent it including lower calorie intake, smaller portions, more physical activity and better food choices. Some people may say diets and exercise fail due to their bo dy mass index (IBM). This is misleading.IBM is based on a calculation of height and eight combined. So, for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a very high IBM although it is all contained of muscles. One can also find people with a low IBM that have a high percentage of body fat. According to WebMD. Com, a child's total diet and activity determines a child's weight. This can include computer and video game time. On average, a typical child spends four hours a day watching television. This is not including video game or computer time. As technology becomes more common, the level of physical inactivity will keep increasing.A child's weight, in my opinion s soles based on their parents or guardians decisions. This including the amount Of time being spent playing video games, watching television, and being on the computer. Two major factor for parents or guardians to prevent their child from becoming obese is to control portion sizes, and to maintain at least two hours of physical activ ity. This can easily be done by signing up for a school sport or even taking a walk around the neighborhood. From previous observation, child obesity is caused by a parent or guardians ignorance, or failure to be there for their child.I have seen in some cases where a permissive parent will give their child what ever they please in order to keep them happy and busy while the parent gets things done like house work, cooking, cleaning, etc. This not only gives the child an idea that they're in charge and what ever they say goes, but it shows neglect and carelessness of the parent or guardian. This may contribute to a major problem as the child gets older. Modeling is one of the major ways for a child to learn. If young children see their parents or guardians eating fruits and vegetables, it is extremely likely they will too.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Thirteen americans painting essays
Thirteen americans painting essays When trying to understand a painting there are a lot of elements that have to be analyzed. Questions have to be answered and paralleled with other observations. One will realize that most of the choices the artist makes have to do with one question: What is the artist trying to express through his painting? It seems as though in this painting, Thirteen Americans, all Alfred Leslies choices relate back to the answer to that question. Another question that helps with answering the first question is: why are there thirteen people standing there on an enormous canvas? When studying a piece of art, one of the first steps in appreciating what the artist created, is understanding the title. Thirteen Americans and United We Stand go hand and hand. They both represent what our country is built upon, a diverse country with equal opportunities. This painting comprises thirteen Americans of all ages, ethnic backgrounds and both sexes. Without the title, Thirteen Americans, one wouldnt be able to appreciate Leslies message he is conveying. All one would see are thirteen random people standing there, but with one simple word, Americans, one then understands what is being represented. Alfred shows that it doesnt matter who you are or what you look like, in America, you are just as equal to everyone else. When approaching Thirteen Americans, ones eyes are fixed on the vast painting. The size itself helps with communicating what Alfred Leslie is trying to illustrate to the viewers and that is a bold powerful message which is so large that no one can shun it; America stands for equality. Not only does the size force a message to be grasped by the viewer, but the size also creates a sense of realism. The size of the figures are accurate to the size of real life figures giving one the illusion that these painted Americans are just a few ordinary people standing in front of ones self. Loo...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
7 Content Calendar Examples From Awesome Brands to Inspire Yours
7 Content Calendar Examples From Awesome Brands to Inspire Yours Content calendars can make or break the successful implementation of your content strategy. Why? Because they help keep your team on track, let them see what’s coming next, and help them avoid the panic of having to write something at the last minute. In this post, we took seven companies across a variety of industries and reconstructed their blog and social media posting schedules (based on manual research) to create example content calendars. Then, after you’ve seen each example, we’ll show you how to establish your own publishing frequency, and build a content calendar to keep it organized. But First, Who Are We, Anyway?: is an industry-leading marketing calendar software platform. Curious to learn how you can manage your content + social media (and all your other marketing projects), all in one place? Start here. Download Your Content Calendar Template Kit Before you continue reading, download your content calendar template kit. It contains: A social media scheduling calendar to plan, write and organize all your social media messages. A content calendar template to organize and plan your content in advance. A printable marketing calendar for your desk so you can always keep an eye on what’s coming next. A best times to post on social media infographic to take the guesswork out of when you need to be posting. A how often to post on social media infographic to know the baseline amount that you should post on your social media pages. A best times to publish blog posts infographic that lets you see the best times to publish your blog posts to gain the most eyeballs.7 Content Calendar Examples From Awesome Brands to Inspire Your OwnWhat Is The Purpose of a Content Calendar? The purpose of having a content calendar is to make sure your content team stays organized and on top of your publishing schedule. Some specific benefits include: Keeping track of deadlines. Giving your whole team visibility on what you’re working on. Making it easier to plan ahead. Let's Look At 7 Content Calendar Examples From These Leading Brands We chose the following companies to reconstruct their publishing schedule. Each one of these organizations had an active blog and a regular social media presence. Red Bull: Red Bull is a publishing company that just happens to sell an energy drink. This makes them interesting because they publish a large amount of high quality content. An e-commerce business that carries musical instruments and accessories. They create content that makes it easy to see and hear what you’re getting before you buy. Modcloth: An e-commerce vintage clothing brand. They publish a mix of promotional content that helps sell clothes and content that shows their audience how they might look when wearing their product. Disney Parks: An estimated 150 million people visit Disney parks every year. Their content helps those visitors have the best time. BMW: BMW is the most popular car brand on Instagram. Their messages promote an aspirational lifestyle that people strive to achieve. Whole Foods: Whole Foods curates content that’s valuable to people who want to live a healthier lifestyle. They also share their own recipes. Concordia College: The marketing department at Concordia uses the story of their current students to attract new prospective students. Each one of these organizations span a variety of industries and company sizes. No matter what your organization does you can see a variety of schedules to inspire your own. Red Bull Red Bull is a massive media powerhouse that just happens to sell an energy drink. As you can see from their content calendar, they publish a lot of stuff whether it’s blogs, social media messages, videos and more. What conclusions can we draw from Red Bull’s content calendar? Post your content where your audience is most active. Red Bull’s audience of 20 to 30 year old males is most active on Facebook and Instagram. Therefore it makes sense that Red Bull would publish a larger amount of content on these channels. Reuse video content on social media. Red Bull is known for their incredible video content. Much of that gets shared on Facebook and their other social platforms. You might not be able to shoot the same kind of video, but if you have video content at all, repackage it for social media for maximum mileage. Create content that looks and feel authentically like the non-branded content that your audience seeks out. Red Bull is so successful because it looks like content from a publishing house. They don’t feel like they are being sold too. Takeaway: Organic social media content doesn't always need to sell directly in order to be successful. Take a look at Red Bull's content and social media publishing is an e-commerce website that sells pretty much any music related instrument you could think of. They know their audience well and have a created a reliable and consistent publishing schedule that’s jam-packed full of content about musicians, new and old instruments and techniques their fans would find interesting. What conclusions can we draw from Reverb’s content calendar? If you’re going to publish a lot of content make sure you do it well. One of the reasons that is so successful with their content is because of their ability to tailor it to their audience. They publish a lot of information, but all of it is executed well. Establish trust with your audience. By talking to industry experts, popular musicians and more they are able to establish a sense of trust with their audience. People can drop a lot of money on their sites because they can trust what they find. Create content that makes it easy to understand how to use complex products. Reverb does a great job explaining what their product does and how to use it. Their product base can get overwhelming and stressful so Reverb makes it easy to understand and find the dream product their audience is in search of. Takeaway: Earn your audience’s trust through the content you create. Take a look at Reverb's content and social media publishing schedule.ModCloth ModCloth is another e-commerce website that sells women’s vintage style clothing. ModCloth caters to a very niche market place as the demand for vintage clothes falls to a unique group of buyers. What conclusions can we draw from ModCloth’s content calendar? Put your audience’s interests first. Modcloth’s audience is interested in fashion. They aren’t satisfied with what they can find at the mall. By creating content that gives their audience fashion ideas by itself, it’s okay that the copy tells them where to find it. This is an exception where direct selling can work for a retail brand. Start small and grow. You don’t need to publish 67 blog posts and 123 social media messages right off the bat. ModCloth’s publishing schedule is small but that’s what works for them. You have to walk before you can run and that includes your content creation. Your blog doesn’t have to be your main focus. Blogs are great, but they’re also time-consuming. If your team doesn’t have the resources or the time to publish a ton of blog content, that’s okay. Focus your efforts on creating great content on your social media pages,e-books or landing pages and slowly grow your blog. Takeaway: Organic social media content should not always look and feel like an ad. Take a look at Mod Cloth's content and social media publishing schedule.Disney Parks Disney is a behemoth in the hospitality and service world and needless to say they publish a lot of content. The Disney Parks blog is just one of several blogs, Facebook pages and more that Disney runs. What conclusions can we draw from Disney Park’s content calendar? Create content that creates FOMO. Disney has many massive theme parks that are packed full of attractions and fun family things to do. Their content creates a FOMO or feeling of missing out on all the fun. This move creates a sense of urgency and longing for your audience hopefully promoting them to take action. Show them what they will experience. Create content that shows your audience what they will get or experience when they purchase your products. Instead of letting them guess what will happen, show them instead. Help them have the best time when they do business with you. Disney’s content focuses a lot on the experiences that their customers have. You can do this as well by letting your content show them how working with you creates the best possible experience they’ll ever have. Takeaway: Show your audience how to create an experience when they visit you. Take a look at Disney Park's content and social media publishing schedule.Whole Foods Whole Foods is a natural grocery store that was recently acquired by Amazon. They’re blog integrates the products their selling with fun easy to read content. What conclusions can we draw from Whole Foods content calendar? If you don’t have enough blog content to supplement your social media messages, curate it from other sources. Whole Foods doesn’t publish a ton of blog content throughout the month so to supplement some of its social media posts it will scrape content from other related blogs, news sources and even their own customers. Try publishing themed content. One thing that Whole Foods does well is post themed content. Whether that be new Halloween recipes or ways to used seasoned fruits and vegetables Whole Foods finds a way to make their content timely and themed. Don’t publish blog content just to fill your content calendar. If you’re experiencing gaps in your content calendar don’t randomly publish blog content trying to fill it in. Your blog content should always be strategically written. Takeaway: Everything that Whole Foods publishes is high-quality content that their audience cares about. They might do well to publish a little more but you don’t have to have a publishing schedule like Red Bull to be successful. BMW BMW is a world-renowned luxury vehicle maker. Their designs are timeless, classic, and out of reach for many pocket books. Their content marketing strategy however, is not. What conclusions can we draw from BMW content calendar? Use your blog to show behind the scenes stuff about your product. People love seeing what makes a product tick. Use your blog to show them information that they may not get by seeing advertisements or use cases of your product. If you sell an expensive product, use social media to reinforce your brand not make a direct sale. People know who BMW is and how it makes them feel. Their product is out of reach for many of their audience members meaning that a link to a dealership in a post probably isn’t going to result in a sale. If your product has a pretty hefty price tag use your social media to reinforce the luxury idea of your brand. Make people feel like they’re part of the community. BMW is great at making their audience feel included when they buy their product. They’re not just purchasing a car, they’re also becoming part of a community. Takeaway: If your product is a hard direct sell, create content that caters to your audience’s aspirations. Take a look at BMW's content and social media publishing schedule.Concordia College Concordia College is a small liberal arts college in Moorhead, Minnesota. Like many colleges Concordia keeps and active blog and social media presence to attract prospective students. What conclusions can we draw from Concordia’s content calendar? Reshare your blog content. Concordia shares one blog post multiple times on one social media channel. This can help ensure that as many people see your content as possible. Let current customers tell your story. Concordia uses their content to show potential student see what it would look like if they were to attend the college. Word of mouth is more powerful than what you could say about yourself as a brand. Once you’ve publish your content respond to what people have to say. Your content publishing schedule is not complete once it’s live. You need to be able to continue that conversation about your content with your audience. Find out what they think and take the time to show them that you care about what they have to say. Takeaway: Reinforce the idea that your organization creates a community. Take a look at Concordia College's content and social media publishing schedule.How Can You Build Your Own Calendar Like a Leading Brand? You’ve seen seven different examples. The next step in your process is to create a content publishing schedule and a social media promotion schedule. So how do you do that? Step One: Figure Out Content Types and Publishing Schedule The very first step in developing your content calendar is deciding what types content you’re going to be publishing. Some common options are: Blog Posts E-Books Landing pages Podcasts Videos Social media posts Email newsletters There’s no limit to the types of content that your team can publish but remember to start small and grow into more types later down the road. Once you’ve decided what types of content you’re going to publish, you need to decide how often you’re going publish each type of content. For example it could look something like: Publish two blog posts a week. Publish one podcast a week. Publish one e-book each quarter. The publishing schedule that your company decides on can grow or shrink depending on For every content piece you publish you should include the following information in your content calendar: The date it publishes. The topic it covers. The content format you’ll create. In your content calendar template it would look something like this:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Extent and characteristics of Rape in the United States Research Paper
Extent and characteristics of Rape in the United States - Research Paper Example Rape may be carried out on male or female victim by male or female offender i.e. may be a heterosexual or homosexual activity. Sexual assaults, apart from rape, also include attempted rape whereby victim is threatened with fear of being committed a rape on. It also includes forcibly fondling, touching and grabbing victim in a sexual manner against his or her will. The detailed scope of these criminal activities has been discussed later in this paper. National Crime Victimization Survey is conducted semi-annually at national level, examining population of approximately 90,000 people. Interviews are conducted and samples are randomly selected and changed after certain lapse of time to identify recurring instances. Responses are critically and thoroughly analyzed before conclusion is made about characteristics and extent of sexual assaults (Rand & Saltzman, 2003). Therefore, results are highly accurate and reliable and have been made as a sound basis of this research paper. This paper e ntails detailed metrics of occurrence of rapes and sexual violence across the United States. It also describes and analyzes the motives behind sexual offences and corresponding preventive measures to mitigate the probability of occurrences of this social evil to a minimum. Scope of activities The legal definition and meaning of activities, involving sexual violence, is different according to different jurisdictions and prevailing legal frameworks or constitutions. Sexual violence may include successfully committing, attempting to commit but unsuccessful or otherwise threatening to commit such acts of rape or sexual assault. Commercial pornographic business and professional prostitution are not considered to be part of definition of rape and sexual assaults. There are various modes of sexual assault and victimization, as suggested by Koss, Gidycz and Wisniewski in their book, including: Persistent and pressurizing demands by an individual, leading to sexual foreplay or intercourse; e xploitation of authority or dominating position by an individual, leading to sexual foreplay or intercourse; coercion and physical violence, by an individual, to force indulgence in sexual foreplay or intercourse; indulgence in sexual intercourse subsequent to being drugged or overdosed with alcohol by another individual; attempt by an individual to engage in sexual intercourse through physical force or usage of drugs or alcohol, but intercourse couldn’t occur; and coercion and physical violence, by an individual, to force indulgence in other sexual activities including anal intercourse, oral intercourse or penetration by sex toys. (Koss, Gidycz & Wisniewski, 1987) Summary of Statistics National Crime Victimization conducts periodic surveys across different territories to identify instances of rapes and sexual violence acts and quantify their frequency of occurrence and other metrics such as characteristics of offenders and victims, favorable and unfavorable circumstances lea ding to such situations and other factors that affect the likelihood of occurrence of such evils. According to recent statistics obtained through studies and research by these authorities, the aggregate rate of sexual assaults committed with females in the United States declined 64% through 1995 to 2005 and remained static upto 2010. As in 2010, there were 270,000 sexual violence a
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